Thor : The Dark World. Albeit, a good sequel, far better than the previous movie, with stupendous graphics, some great acting, and a good plot.
Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Tom Hiddlestone continue their roles as Thor, Dr. Jane Foster and Loki, with Loki, now gradually becoming a part of those villains we regard as 'Can't Hate' among Joker, Darth Vader and Jim Moriarty to name a few. One just falls in love with his cunning mind.
The story starts with a recap of events that occurred in the 'alien' world, decades ago, where Bor, the father of Odin battles the elf commander Malekith, who is on a quest to destroy the universe, with a secret
weapon - Aether. Bor, defeats Malekith, and seizes the weapon and hides it to prevent it's further misuse, while some elves make their getaway. Jump to present day, Thor is treated as the next king, and takes on his responsibilities to make peace between the Nine Realms, while Loki rots away in prison for crimes he committed on Earth. On Earth, Dr Jane Foster and her assistant have made revealing discoveries which are bending the laws of physics. Further exploration leads Jane to disappear in a portal. Thor, is informed of this by Heimdall, and eventually finds her, also finds her to be infected with a non earthly force, leading him to take her to Asgard, where Odin recognizes it as the aether.
Malekith, awakened by the arrival of the aether, launches a full scale attack on Asgard, to recover it, cuasing huge damage to the city and it's soldiers, as well as killing the queen, when unable to obtain the Aether. Thor, then teams up with Loki, defying his father's orders of not to leave Asgard.
We come to the elves' home Svartalfheim, where Malekith successfully obtains the Aether and is again on his goal to annihilate the universe, which he plans to do at Greenwich, center of the convergance between worlds. Loki gets killed in the process. Thereon, a battle ensues between Thor and Malekith, travelling between the Nine Realms
Thor defeats Malekith and returns to Asgard, where we find out, Loki has disguised himself as Odin, to sit on the throne.
Plain and simple, the movie works through Hemsworth and Hiddlestone's impressive collective charisma. Natalie Portman continues to look as stunningly beautiful as one can get. Chris Evans as Captain America makes a hilarious cameo as Loki never fails to make us laugh. The movie, otherwise, lacks something, I haven't figured out what, but it definitely does. Maybe it has to do with the hero being able to perform any task, without any challenges. A movie requires a downfall before the denouement.
Watch it, just for the visuals, beauty of Portman, and the chemistry between Hiddlestone and Hemsworth.
My Rating - 6.9/10