Saturday, 7 December 2013

Last Vegas [Movie-2013]

Last Vegas. You do not get dissapointed when you put together legends of the industry such as Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro and Kevin Kline. [you might not have heard of him before]

Yes, it is not something really brillitant, or innovative. The story is quite predictable, but it is a fun movie to watch. The jokes really crack you up sometimes, and you can see these 'oldies' have not yet lost their charm.

Mary Steepenburg, at 60, looks beautiful, and proves that your age doesn't determine your beauty.

The story is quite simple, with 4 best-friends, Billy [Douglas], Paddy [De Niro], Archie [Freeman] and Sam [Kline] who have known each other since kids, plan a trip to Las Vegas, to celebrate Billy's bachelor party as he is getting hitched to a girl half his age. We could say that this is the 30th sequel to Hangover, without the 'roofie'.
This trip acts as a 'get away card' from the monotonous lives of the characters, and thus, they have full intent on making it worth it. Thus, they dance, drink, gamble, fight and flirt to make some joy out of their lives. In the end, we see Billy and Paddy patching up after a long ensued troublesome relationship after a revelry of a long kept secret, Billy ending up marrying a woman he actually loves, Paddy learning to enjoy life after the demise of his wife, Sam restoring his happily married life, and Archie learning to stand up for himself against his son.

Jerry Ferrera, you might remember him as 'Turtle' from the brilliant show 'Entourage' plays an excellent cameo.

In all, the story is weak, held together, just by the brilliance of the actors.

My Rating - 6.5/10  

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