Language - English
Director - Antoine Fuqua
Run Time - 1 hour, 59 minutes
Genre - Action/Drama
Starring - Gerrard Butler, Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman
As the name suggests, this movie is about an attack on the White House. The movie has been made neatly, but it kind of thwarts reality. In this world, in 2013, could the White House really be treated to such an extensive attack? And to top it off, it seems like Mike Banning [Butler] is the only person who is capable of defeating the terrorists. To be frank, it seemed more like a Chuck Norris movie going by the way it has been presented. I like Gerrard Butler, and do consider him to be up there with the top men of the industry, but he never really takes on good projects. Haven't seen a good performance from him since 2009 - Law Abiding Citizen. Eckhart also gives a very weak performance. Fuqua makes a good film 2/10 times, and sadly, it was not supposed to be this time.
So, Mike Banning is a disgraced ex-Presidential Guard, who is tired of his new Desk job and is wanting to get on some action. It is perfect timing that a terrorist attack happens to befall on the capitol and everybody - the secret service, the presidential guard, the police and the army fail to protect the President who has been kidnapped by Korean terrorists in a bid to unify Korea. Enter Banning into the picture again. Apparently, he is the only security personnel who was not harmed and is able to defeat multiple enemies without being in practice of even wielding a gun for months.
Morgan Freeman's presence is of the only saving grace for the movie, which is devoid of common sense and berates logic. This movie tries to hard to be a Die Hard, but does not even remotely come to being at that level.
I would suggest to avoid this movie.
My Rating - 6/10
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