Friday, 7 November 2014

Gone Girl [2014]

Language - English
Director - David Fincher
Run Time - 2 hours, 29 minutes
Genre - Thriller/Drama
Starring - Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris


David Fincher, one of my favourite directors, has struck gold again. With his masterful art of delivering suspensful thrillers to us, he manages to keep us enthralled, yet again. Be it Fight Club, Se7en or even Zodiac, we are always intrigued by the plot and are wanting to know what happens further. Same is the case here. Considering 'Gone Girl', I was fascinated from the trailer itself, and the movie definitely delivers, keeping you on the hook. Ben Affleck has evolved highly from the days of winning 'Razzies' to being considered one of the finest in Hollywood. The rest of the cast is also well chosen, Rosamund and NPH delivering brilliantly for their respective characters.

What I adore most about Fincher is how he builds up the suspense right from the start, and after the first scene itself he gives us an opinion of our leads Nick Dunne [Affleck]. We start making our assumptions and perceptions about him, and everything that we notice and process further is a biased judgement. Is Nick Dunne capable of killing his wife? It does seem so.

But then, BOOM!, midway across the movie, we witness a surprising turn of events. We discover the actual psychopath, that is the oh-so-perfect-little-scared-but-no-the-oh-so-manipulative-conniving-bitch the 'Amazing Amy'. Fincher's tactic is to introduce a radical twist in the middle of the movie, and this tactic definitely works for him. This strategy makes the viewers even more interested.

The movie goes on as Nick Dunne fighting to prove his innocence against the police, media, neighbours and his in-laws, all who doubt him; so compelling is the plot set up that each member of the audience also seems to bend their thought that way, although as always, we want our protagonist to be innocent.

A dark, captivating story, that is a masterpiece with the amazing plot and incredible acting of Affleck. Neil Patrick Harris offers to be an interesting character and even he performs terrifically.

My Only area of concern was the odd ending. I guess Fincher could have given us a better climax than the one we saw. I do not know if he has tried to emulate the book or not, but a different climax would have given the film more depth I feel.

With the amazing background score provided by Trent Raznor and Atticus Ross, it is even more a delight; them continuing their succesfull work from The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo and The Social Network.

If you love a thriller, you should definitely go for this movie.
My Rating - 8.4/10

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