Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Zootopia [2016]

Language - English
Director - Byron Howard and Rich Moore
Run Time - 1 hour, 48 minutes
Genre - Animation/Comedy
Starring - Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Ginnifer Goodwin and JK Simmons

Disney is back to being the best in animated movies. Zootopia is a brilliant movie which breaks new ground. The ideas are original and ingenuine, the characters are lovable and of course, the movie keeps your rib-tickling throughout.

For the last decade or so, most of the originality was coming from Pixar, but finally, Disney seems to have caught up and created a wonderful, fun filled movie. Loving the new direction at Disney.
[#fact - Out of the top 4 highest grossing movies this year, 3 are from Disney - Zootopia, Civil War, and Jungle Book]

Zootopia follows the story of the young cop (first rabbit cop) Judy Hopps in the city of 'Zootopia' which is a massive city where all animals live together in peace and harmony. But someone or something has threatened the peace amongst the preys and the predators in the city and Officer Hopps along with her confidante, a fox named Nick Wilde are the only ones who can solve the mystery.

There is brilliant chemistry between our 'dumb bunny' and 'sly fox' as they HUSTLE their way out of various roadblocks they face on their mission. Here we see a great evolution of two animals who have always been enemies into friendship. Other than our two protagonists, other characters are also  quite unique and marvelous including the aggressive Cheif Bogo (Bull), timid Assistant Mayor Bellweather (sheep) and fun-loving and obese leopard Officer Clawhauser.

The animation, of course, being Disney is extraordinary, with the seven districts of the city Zootopia a visual delight.

What gave me immense pleasure was a reference to both one of the greatest movies, as well as one of the greatest TV shows. Disney always tries to add in some references and easter eggs from its own movie universe as well as others and this time it paid homage to Vito Corleone from the Godfather and also to Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad; other than some usual references to past Disney movies like Frozen, Wreck-it Ralph, etc

Also, one thing I really liked was the deeper meaning that the movie tries to convey to us about racial discrimination, which is important because it still exists in major parts of our world.

To sum it, I would say it's a wonderful movie for all generations and demographics.

Don't miss it.

My Rating - 8.5/10

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